You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 Jonathan Golder <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
Provides interface classes for communication of redundances bot with mysql-db
import atexit # noqa
import pywikibot # noqa
from pywikibot import config
import jogobot
from sqlalchemy import (
create_engine, Column, Integer, String, Text, DateTime, ForeignKey )
from sqlalchemy import text # noqa
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import (
declarative_base, declared_attr, has_inherited_table )
from sqlalchemy.ext.mutable import MutableComposite, MutableSet
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship, composite
from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection
import sqlalchemy.types as types
Base = declarative_base()
url = URL( "mysql+pymysql",
database=( config.db_username +
jogobot.config['redundances']['db_suffix'] ),
query={'charset': 'utf8'} )
engine = create_engine(url, echo=False)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
family = pywikibot.Site().family.dbName(pywikibot.Site().code)
class Mysql(object):
session = session
def _tableprefix(cls):
return family + "_"
def _tablesuffix(cls):
return "s"
def __tablename__(cls):
if has_inherited_table(cls):
return None
name = cls.__name__[len("Mysql"):].lower()
return cls._tableprefix + name + cls._tablesuffix
def changedp(self):
return self.session.is_modified(self)
class MutableSet(MutableSet):
Extended version of the mutable set for our states
def has(self, item):
Check if item is in set
@param item Item to check
return item in self
def add(self, item):
Extended add method, which only result in changed object if there is
really an item added.
@param item Item to add
if item not in self:
def discard(self, item):
Wrapper for extended remove below
@param item Item to discard
def remove(self, item, weak=True ):
Extended remove method, which only results in changed object if there
is really an item removed. Additionally, combine remove and discard!
@param item Item to remove/discard
@param weak Set to false to use remove, else discard behavior
if item in self:
if weak:
class ColumnList( list, MutableComposite ):
Combines multiple Colums into a list like object
def __init__( self, *columns ):
Wrapper to the list constructor deciding whether we have initialization
with individual params per article or with an iterable.
# Individual params per article (from db), first one is a str
if isinstance( columns[0], str ) or \
isinstance( columns[0], MutableSet ) or columns[0] is None:
super().__init__( columns )
# Iterable articles list
super().__init__( columns[0] )
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
The MutableComposite class needs to be noticed about changes in our
component. So we tweak the setitem process.
# set the item
super().__setitem__( key, value)
# alert all parents to the change
def __composite_values__(self):
The Composite method needs to have this method to get the items for db.
return self
class Status( types.TypeDecorator ):
impl = types.String
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
Returns status as commaseparated string (to save in DB)
@returns Raw status string
@rtype str
if isinstance(value, MutableSet):
return ",".join( value )
elif isinstance(value, String ) or value is None:
return value
raise TypeError(
"Value should be an instance of one of {0:s},".format(
str( [type(MutableSet()), type(String()), type(None)] ) ) +
"given value was an instance of {1:s}".format(
str(type(value))) )
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
Sets status based on comma separated list
@param raw_status Commaseparated string of stati (from DB)
@type raw_status str
if value:
return MutableSet( value.strip().split(","))
return MutableSet([])
def copy(self, **kw):
return Status(self.impl.length)
class MysqlRedFam( Mysql, Base ):
famhash = Column( String(64), primary_key=True, unique=True )
__article0 = Column('article0', String(255), nullable=False )
__article1 = Column('article1', String(255), nullable=False )
__article2 = Column('article2', String(255), nullable=True )
__article3 = Column('article3', String(255), nullable=True )
__article4 = Column('article4', String(255), nullable=True )
__article5 = Column('article5', String(255), nullable=True )
__article6 = Column('article6', String(255), nullable=True )
__article7 = Column('article7', String(255), nullable=True )
__articlesList = composite(
ColumnList, __article0, __article1, __article2, __article3,
__article4, __article5, __article6, __article7 )
heading = Column( Text, nullable=False )
redpageid = Column(
Integer, ForeignKey( family + "_redpages.pageid" ), nullable=False )
beginning = Column( DateTime, nullable=False )
ending = Column( DateTime, nullable=True )
_status = Column( 'status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(255)),
nullable=True )
__article0_status = Column(
'article0_status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(64)), nullable=True )
__article1_status = Column(
'article1_status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(64)), nullable=True )
__article2_status = Column(
'article2_status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(64)), nullable=True )
__article3_status = Column(
'article3_status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(64)), nullable=True )
__article4_status = Column(
'article4_status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(64)), nullable=True )
__article5_status = Column(
'article5_status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(64)), nullable=True )
__article6_status = Column(
'article6_status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(64)), nullable=True )
__article7_status = Column(
'article7_status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(64)), nullable=True )
__articlesStatus = composite(
ColumnList, __article0_status, __article1_status, __article2_status,
__article3_status, __article4_status, __article5_status,
__article6_status, __article7_status )
redpage = relationship( "MysqlRedPage", enable_typechecks=False,
back_populates="redfams" )
def articlesList(self):
List of articles belonging to the redfam
return self.__articlesList
def articlesList(self, articlesList):
# Make sure to always have full length for complete overwrites
while( len(articlesList) < 8 ):
self.__articlesList = ColumnList(articlesList)
def status( self ):
Current fam status
return self._status
def status( self, status ):
if status:
self._status = MutableSet( status )
self._status = MutableSet()
def articlesStatus(self):
List of status strings/sets for the articles of the redfam
return self.__articlesStatus
def articlesStatus(self, articlesStatus):
self.__articlesStatus = ColumnList(articlesStatus)
class MysqlRedPage( Mysql, Base ):
pageid = Column( Integer, unique=True, primary_key=True )
revid = Column( Integer, unique=True, nullable=False )
pagetitle = Column( String(255), nullable=False )
__status = Column( 'status', MutableSet.as_mutable(Status(255)),
nullable=True )
redfams = relationship(
"MysqlRedFam", enable_typechecks=False,
back_populates="redpage", order_by=MysqlRedFam.famhash,
collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection("famhash") )
def status( self ):
Current fam status
return self.__status
def status( self, status ):
if status:
self.__status = MutableSet( status )
self.__status = MutableSet()
class MysqlRedError(Exception):
Basic Exception class for this module
class MysqlRedConnectionError(MysqlRedError):
Raised if there are Errors with Mysql-Connections