jogobot-red =========== Dependencies ------------ * pywikibot-core * mwparserfromhell The libraries above need to be installed and configured manualy considering [documentation of pywikibot-core]( * SQLAlchemy * PyMySQL Those can be installed using pip and the _requirements.txt_ file provided with this packet pip install -r requirements.txt Versions -------- * v1.1 - Improved page filter * v1.0 - first stable release - less debug output - fixed problems with article title * test-v7 - Fixed problem with url encoded chars in article title * test-v6 - jogobot status API enabled (Bot can be disabled onwiki) - Fixed problem with space between article title and anchor * test-v5 - Feature _markpages_ working in full-automatic mode with _always_-flag python -task:markpages -family:wikipedia -always * test-v4 - Feature _markpages_ working in semi-automatic mode using command python -task:markpages -family:wikipedia - Work on specific redfam using param -famhash:[sha1-famhash] - Use _PyMySQL_ instead of _OurSQL_ - Correctly parse redfams with articles with leading small character or spaces in wikilink * test-v3 * test-v2 * test-v1 License ------- GPLv3 Author Information ------------------ Copyright 2017 Jonathan Golder alias _Jogo.obb_ (