You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

256 lines
7.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 GOLDERWEB – Jonathan Golder <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
Provides interface classes for communication of redundances bot with mysql-db
# Prefere using oursql then MySQLdb
import oursql as mysqldb
except ImportError:
import MySQLdb as mysqldb
from pywikibot import config
import jogobot
9 years ago
class MysqlRed:
Basic interface class, containing opening of connection
Specific querys should be defined in descendant classes per data type
# Save mysqldb-connection as class attribute to use only one
# in descendant classes
connection = False
db_hostname = config.db_hostname
db_username = config.db_username
db_password = config.db_password
db_name = config.db_username + jogobot.db_namesuffix
def __init__( self ):
Opens a connection to MySQL-DB
@returns mysql-stream MySQL Connection
# Connect to mysqldb only once
if not type( self ).connection:
type( self ).connection = mysqldb.connect(
host=type( self ).db_hostname,
user=type( self ).db_username,
passwd=type( self ).db_password,
db=type( self ).db_name )
def __del__( self ):
Before deleting class, close connection to MySQL-DB
type( self ).connection.close()
class MysqlRedPage( MysqlRed ):
MySQL-db Interface for handling querys for RedPages
def __init__( self, page_id ):
Creates a new instance, runs __init__ of parent class
super().__init__( )
self.__page_id = int( page_id ) = self.get_page()
def __del__( self ):
def get_page( self ):
Retrieves a red page row from MySQL-Database for given page_id
@param int page_id MediaWiki page_id for page to retrieve
@returns tuple Tuple with data for given page_id
bool FALSE if none found
cursor = type( self ).connection.cursor(mysqldb.DictCursor)
cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM `red_pages` WHERE `page_id` = ?;',
( self.__page_id, ) )
res = cursor.fetchone()
if res:
return res
return False
def add_page( self, page_title, rev_id, status=0 ):
Inserts a red page row in MySQL-Database for given page_id
@param int rev_id MediaWiki current rev_id
@param str page_title MediaWiki new page_title
@param int status Page parsing status
cursor = type( self ).connection.cursor()
if not page_title:
page_title =[ 'page_title' ]
if not rev_id:
rev_id =[ 'rev_id' ]
query = 'INSERT INTO `red_pages` \
( page_id, page_title, rev_id, status ) \
VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );'
data = ( self.__page_id, page_title, rev_id, status )
cursor.execute( query, data)
type( self ).connection.commit() = self.get_page()
def update_page( self, rev_id=None, page_title=None, status=0 ):
Updates the red page row in MySQL-Database for given page_id
@param int rev_id MediaWiki current rev_id
@param str page_title MediaWiki new page_title
@param int status Page parsing status
cursor = type( self ).connection.cursor()
if not page_title:
page_title =[ 'page_title' ]
if not rev_id:
rev_id =[ 'rev_id' ]
query = 'UPDATE `red_pages` \
SET `page_title` = ?, `rev_id` = ?, `status`= ? \
WHERE `page_id` = ?;'
data = ( page_title, rev_id, status, self.__page_id )
cursor.execute( query, data)
type( self ).connection.commit()
class MysqlRedFam( MysqlRed ):
MySQL-db Interface for handling querys for RedFams
def __init__( self, fam_hash ):
Creates a new instance, runs __init__ of parent class
super().__init__( )
self.__fam_hash = fam_hash = self.get_fam()
def __del__( self ):
def get_fam( self ):
Retrieves a red family row from MySQL-Database for given fam_hash
@returns dict Dictionairy with data for given fam hash
False if none found
cursor = type( self ).connection.cursor( mysqldb.DictCursor )
cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM `red_families` WHERE `fam_hash` = ?;',
( self.__fam_hash, ) )
res = cursor.fetchone()
if res:
return res
return False
def add_fam( self, articlesList, heading, red_page_id,
beginning, ending=None, status=0 ):
cursor = type( self ).connection.cursor()
query = 'INSERT INTO `red_families` \
( fam_hash, red_page_id, beginning, ending, status, heading, \
article0, article1, article2, article3, \
article4, article5, article6, article7 ) \
VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );'
data = [ self.__fam_hash, red_page_id, beginning, ending,
status, heading ]
for article in articlesList:
data.append( str( article ) )
while len( data ) < 14:
data.append( None )
data = tuple( data )
cursor.execute( query, data)
type( self ).connection.commit() = self.get_fam()
def update_fam( self, red_page_id, heading, beginning, ending, status ):
Updates the red fam row in MySQL-Database for given fam_hash
@param int red_page_id MediaWiki page_id
@param datetime beginning Timestamp of beginning
qparam datetime ending Timestamp of ending of
@param int status red_fam status
cursor = type( self ).connection.cursor()
query = 'UPDATE `red_families` \
SET `red_page_id` = ?, `heading` = ?, `beginning` = ?, \
`ending` = ?, `status`= ? WHERE `fam_hash` = ?;'
data = ( red_page_id, heading, beginning,
ending, status, self.__fam_hash )
cursor.execute( query, data)
type( self ).connection.commit()