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#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
# based on code of [[User:Gorgo]]/[[:c:File:Euro exchange rate to TRY.svg]]
infile=system("echo $INFILE")
outfile=system("echo $OUTFILE")
# Start und Ende ermitteln (z.Zt. nur für Consolenausagabe)
stats infile every ::1 u (strptime("%Y-%m-%d",strcol(1))) nooutput
print ' -----Stats-(Timestamp)----'
print ' Start: ', strftime("%d. %B %Y",STATS_min)
print ' Ende: ', strftime("%d. %B %Y",STATS_max)
print ' --------------------------'
set label 'last update: ' . strftime("%Y-%m-%d",STATS_max) at graph 0.05, graph 0.15
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set datafile missing 'N/A'
set datafile separator ','
set key top right
set style data lines
set border 3 # Rahmen unten (Bit 1) und links (+ Bit 2)
unset grid # Gitterlinien verwenden
# Gitterlinienen per Hand setzen falls gewünscht
set style line 1 linetype rgb '#696969' linewidth 0.25 # Def. Major-grid
set style line 2 linetype rgb '#C9C9C9' linewidth 0.15 # def. Minor-grid
set grid noxtics nomxtics # Keine Gitterlinen an der 1. X-Achse
set grid x2tics
set grid ytics mytics # Gitterl. an der Y-Achse
set grid back # Gitter im Hintergrund
set grid linestyle 1, linestyle 2 # Setzen des linestyle für Major u. Minor
# die Kalenderwochen-Markierung machen wir über x2 !!!
set xdata time
set x2data time
set format x '1. %b'
set xtics ('') # leeren Str setzen damit per for-Schleife
# addiert werden kann
do for [month_tic=1:12] {
new_xtic = gprintf("2018-%02.0f-01", month_tic)
# print 'Setze xtic bei: ' . new_xtic # Ausgabe für Tests
set xtics add ( new_xtic )
if (GPVAL_VERSION >= 5.0) {
set xtics rotate by +15 center offset 0,-0.5
} else {
set xtics rotate by +15 center offset 0,-0.75
set format x2 ''
set xrange ['2018-01-01':'2019-01-01']
set x2range ['2018-01-01':'2019-01-01']
set x2tics '2018-01-01', 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
set x2tic scale 0
set xtics nomirror
unset mxtics
set xlabel '2018'
set ylabel 'EUR'
# set y2label 'TRY'
set format y '%.2f'
# set format y2 '%.0f'
set ytics 0.05
set mytics 5
set ytics nomirror
# Zebramuster
set style rect fillcolor lt -1 fillstyle solid 0.06 noborder
do for [i=1:12:2] {
marker_stop =sprintf("2018-%1.2d-01",i+1)
print 'setze grauen Marker: ' . marker_start . "-" . marker_stop
set object rectangle from marker_start,graph 0 to marker_stop, graph 1
## gnuplot for SVG - gnuplot 4.2 / Ubuntu 8.10
if (GPVAL_VERSION >= 5.0) {
set term svg size 800,400 font "Arial,16"
} else {
set term svg size 800,400 font "Arial,12"
set outp outfile
set style line 1 lt rgb 'blue' lw 1
#available currencies:
#first one is $2, second $3 and so on
plot \
infile \
usi 1:(1/$26) axis x1y1 tit '1 TRY in EUR' lt rgb 'blue' lw 1,\
infile \
usi 1:(1/$26) axis x1y1 notit w p lc rgb 'black' lt 1 lw 1.5 pt 7 ps 0.1 \