You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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13 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 GOLDERWEB – Jonathan Golder <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
Provides a class for handling charts list per country and year
import locale
from datetime import datetime
from isoweek import Week
import pywikibot
import mwparserfromhell as mwparser
class CountryList():
Handles charts list per country and year
def __init__( self, wikilink ):
Generate new instance of class
Checks wether page given with country_list_link exists
@param wikilink Wikilink object by mwparser linking CountryList
@returns self Object representing CountryList
False if page does not exists
# Generate pywikibot site object
# @TODO: Maybe store it outside??? = pywikibot.Site()
# Set locale to 'de_DE.UTF-8'
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE.UTF-8')
# Generate pywikibot page object = pywikibot.Page(, wikilink.title )
# Store given wikilink for page object
self.wikilink = wikilink
# Check if page exits
if not
return False
# Initialise attributes
__attr = ( "wikicode", "entry", "chartein", "_chartein_raw",
"_titel_raw", "titel", "interpret", "_interpret_raw" )
for attr in __attr:
setattr( self, attr, None )
self.parsed = False
# Try to find year
def is_parsing_needed( self, revid ):
Check if current revid of CountryList differs from given one
@param int Revid to check against
@return True Given revid differs from current revid
False Given revid is equal to current revid
if revid !=
return True
return False
def find_year( self ):
Try to find the year related to CountryList
self.year =
# Check if year is in page.title, if not try last year
if str( self.year ) not in
self.year -= 1
# If last year does not match, raise YearError
if str( self.year ) not in
raise CountryListError( "CountryList year is errorneous!" )
def parse( self ):
Handles the parsing process
# Set revid
self.revid =
# Parse page with mwparser
# Select lastest entry
# Prepare chartein, titel, interpret
# For easy detecting wether we have parsed self
self.parsed = True
def detect_belgian( self ):
Detect wether current entry is on of the belgian (Belgien/Wallonien)
# Check if begian province name is in link text or title
if( "Wallonien" in str( self.wikilink.text ) or
"Wallonien" in str( self.wikilink.title) ):
return "Wallonie"
elif( "Flandern" in str( self.wikilink.text ) or
"Flandern" in str( self.wikilink.title) ):
return "Flandern"
return None
def generate_wikicode( self ):
Runs mwparser on page.text to get mwparser.objects
self.wikicode = mwparser.parse( )
def get_latest_entry( self ):
Get latest list entry template object
# Select the section "Singles"
# For belgian list we need to select subsection of country
belgian = self.detect_belgian()
if belgian:
singles_section = self.wikicode.get_sections(
matches=belgian )[0].get_sections( matches="Singles" )[0]
singles_section = self.wikicode.get_sections(matches="Singles")[0]
# Since we have multiple categories in some countrys we need
# to select the first wrapping template
wrapping = next( singles_section.ifilter_templates(
matches="Nummer-eins-Hits" ) )
except StopIteration:
raise CountryListError( "Wrapping template is missing!")
# Select the last occurence of template "Nummer-eins-Hits Zeile" in
# Wrapper-template
for self.entry in wrapping.get("Inhalt").value.ifilter_templates(
matches="Nummer-eins-Hits Zeile" ):
# Check if we have found something
if not self.entry:
raise CountryListError( )
def get_year_correction( self ):
Reads value of jahr parameter for correcting week numbers near to
year changes
# If param is present return correction, otherwise null
if self.entry.has( "Jahr" ):
# Read value of param
jahr = self.entry.get( "Jahr" ).strip()
if jahr == "+1":
return 1
elif jahr == "-1":
return -1
# None or wrong parameter value
return 0
def prepare_chartein( self ):
Checks wether self._chartein_raw is a date or a week number and
calculates related datetime object
# If self._chartein_raw is not set, get it
if not self._chartein_raw:
# Detect weather we have a date or a weeknumber for Template Param
# "Chartein"
# Numeric string means week number
if( self._chartein_raw.isnumeric() ):
# Calculate date of monday in given week and add number of
# days given in Template parameter "Korrektur" with monday
# as day (zero)
self.chartein = ( Week( self.year + self.get_year_correction(),
int( self._chartein_raw ) ).monday() )
# Complete date string present
self.chartein = datetime.strptime( self._chartein_raw,
"%Y-%m-%d" )
def get_chartein_value( self ):
Reads value of chartein parameter
If param is not present raise Error
if self.entry.has( "Chartein" ):
self._chartein_raw = self.entry.get("Chartein").value.strip()
raise CountryListEntryError( "Template Parameter 'Chartein' is \
missing!" )
def prepare_titel( self ):
Loads and prepares Titel of latest entry
# If self._titel_raw is not set, get it
if not self._titel_raw:
self.titel = self._titel_raw
def get_titel_value( self ):
Reads value of Titel parameter
If param is not present raise Error
if self.entry.has( "Titel" ):
self._titel_raw = self.entry.get("Titel").value.strip()
raise CountryListEntryError( "Template Parameter 'Titel' is \
missing!" )
def prepare_interpret( self ):
Loads and prepares Interpret of latest entry
# If self._interpret_raw is not set, get it
if not self._interpret_raw:
# Work with interpret value to add missing links
# Split it in words
words = self._interpret_raw.split()
# Interpret name separating words
seps = ( "feat.", "&" )
# Create empty list for concatenated interpret names
parts = [ " ", ]
# Another list for managing indexes which need to be worked on
indexes = list()
index = 0
# Reconcatenate interpret names
for word in words:
# Name parts
if word not in seps:
parts[-1] += (" " + word)
# Remove unnecessary whitespace
parts[-1] = parts[-1].strip()
# We only need to work on it, if no wikilink is present
if index not in indexes and "[[" not in parts[-1]:
indexes.append( index )
# Count up index 2 times ( Separator + next Name )
index += 2
parts.append( word )
parts.append( " " )
# If we have indexes with out links, search for links
if indexes:
# Iterate over wikilinks of refpage and try to find related links
for wikilink in self.wikicode.ifilter_wikilinks():
# Iterate over interpret names
for index in indexes:
# Check wether wikilink matches
if( parts[index] == wikilink.text or
parts[index] == wikilink.title ):
# Overwrite name with complete wikilink
parts[index] = str( wikilink )
# Remove index from worklist
indexes.remove( index )
# Other indexes won't also match
# If worklist is empty, stop iterating over wikilinks
if not indexes:
# Join the collected links
sep = " "
self.interpret = sep.join( parts )
# Nothing to do, just use raw
self.interpret = self._interpret_raw
def get_interpret_value( self ):
Reads value of Interpret parameter
If param is not present raise Error
if self.entry.has( "Interpret" ):
self._interpret_raw = self.entry.get("Interpret").value.strip()
raise CountryListEntryError( "Template Parameter 'Interpret' is \
missing!" )
class CountryListError( Exception ):
Handles errors occuring in class CountryList
class CountryListEntryError( CountryListError ):
Handles errors occuring in class CountryList related to entrys
class CountryListUnitTest():
Defines Test-Functions for CountryList-Module
testcases = ( { "Link": mwparser.nodes.Wikilink( "Benutzer:JogoBot/Charts/Tests/Liste der Nummer-eins-Hits in Frankreich (2015)" ), # noqa
"revid": 148453827,
"interpret": "[[Adele (Sängerin)|Adele]]",
"titel": "[[Hello (Adele-Lied)|Hello]]",
"chartein": datetime( 2015, 10, 23 ) },
{ "Link": mwparser.nodes.Wikilink( "Benutzer:JogoBot/Charts/Tests/Liste der Nummer-eins-Hits in Belgien (2015)", "Wallonien"), # noqa
"revid": 148455281,
"interpret": "[[Nicky Jam]] & [[Enrique Iglesias (Sänger)|Enrique Iglesias]]", # noqa
"titel": "El perdón",
"chartein": datetime( 2015, 9, 12 ) } )
def __init__( self ):
def treat( self ):
for case in type(self).testcases:
self.countrylist = CountryList( case["Link"] )
if( self.countrylist.is_parsing_needed( case["revid"] ) or not
self.countrylist.is_parsing_needed( case["revid"] + 1 ) ):
raise Exception(
"CountryList.is_parsing_needed() does not work!" )
for key in case:
if key == "Link":
if not case[key] == getattr(self.countrylist, key ):
raise Exception( key + "" + str(
getattr(self.countrylist, key ) ))
if __name__ == "__main__":
test = CountryListUnitTest()