galaxy_info: author: your name description: your description company: your company (optional) # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the # next line and provide a value # issue_tracker_url: # Some suggested licenses: # - BSD (default) # - MIT # - GPLv2 # - GPLv3 # - Apache # - CC-BY license: license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc) min_ansible_version: 1.2 # Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub # repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available, # Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on # this branch. If travis integration is cofigured, only notification for this # branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch # (usually master) will be used. #github_branch: # # Below are all platforms currently available. Just uncomment # the ones that apply to your role. If you don't see your # platform on this list, let us know and we'll get it added! # #platforms: #- name: EL # versions: # - all # - 5 # - 6 # - 7 #- name: GenericUNIX # versions: # - all # - any #- name: OpenBSD # versions: # - all # - 5.6 # - 5.7 # - 5.8 # - 5.9 # - 6.0 #- name: Fedora # versions: # - all # - 16 # - 17 # - 18 # - 19 # - 20 # - 21 # - 22 # - 23 #- name: opensuse # versions: # - all # - 12.1 # - 12.2 # - 12.3 # - 13.1 # - 13.2 #- name: MacOSX # versions: # - all # - 10.10 # - 10.11 # - 10.12 # - 10.7 # - 10.8 # - 10.9 #- name: IOS # versions: # - all # - any #- name: Solaris # versions: # - all # - 10 # - 11.0 # - 11.1 # - 11.2 # - 11.3 #- name: SmartOS # versions: # - all # - any #- name: eos # versions: # - all # - Any #- name: Windows # versions: # - all # - 2012R2 #- name: Amazon # versions: # - all # - 2013.03 # - 2013.09 #- name: GenericBSD # versions: # - all # - any #- name: Junos # versions: # - all # - any #- name: FreeBSD # versions: # - all # - 10.0 # - 10.1 # - 10.2 # - 10.3 # - 8.0 # - 8.1 # - 8.2 # - 8.3 # - 8.4 # - 9.0 # - 9.1 # - 9.1 # - 9.2 # - 9.3 #- name: Ubuntu # versions: # - all # - lucid # - maverick # - natty # - oneiric # - precise # - quantal # - raring # - saucy # - trusty # - utopic # - vivid # - wily # - xenial #- name: SLES # versions: # - all # - 10SP3 # - 10SP4 # - 11 # - 11SP1 # - 11SP2 # - 11SP3 # - 11SP4 # - 12 # - 12SP1 #- name: GenericLinux # versions: # - all # - any #- name: NXOS # versions: # - all # - any #- name: Debian # versions: # - all # - etch # - jessie # - lenny # - sid # - squeeze # - stretch # - wheezy galaxy_tags: [] # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is # a keyword that describes and categorizes the role. # Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to # remove the '[]' above if you add tags to this list. # # NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of # alphanumeric characters. Maximum 20 tags per role. dependencies: [] # List your role dependencies here, one per line. # Be sure to remove the '[]' above if you add dependencies # to this list.